Saturday, July 23, 2005

Arabeyes Celebrates its 4th Anniversary

On the 29th of July, Arabeyes will be 4 years old :-) As usual, the celebration party will be the occasion to talk about the project and to try to refine our future's plans. However, unlike the 2 latest parties, this one will be shorter and less pompous. It's even utterly astonishing that there'll be a party at all! If not for the efforts of Nadim Shaikli who, as usual, cared enough to plan it.

I hope there'll be enough people that'll show up, as this is the occasion for everybody to make their voices heard. I don't really believe at all that Arabeyes is on auto pilot. It's still in need for the 'Core Team' to take care and manage almost all the important things. For instance, even on the mailing lists, a lot of posts are simply ignored if not an answer from a Core Team's member. Mailing lists should be animated by those who are subscribed to it, and should need intervention from moderators very rarely.

I already posted some thoughts on how we could re-ignite motivation and make volunteers care more about the project, mainly by concentrating on PR. I can add to that the importance of having our website translated to Arabic, though I'm fully aware of the issues (technical and non-technical) inherent to it. I just hope others will join and give their opinion on this highly important issue.


At 23/7/05 14:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arabeyes is not on auto-pilot, true. The other sad but true fact is that it is currently dying. I don't expect the project to last another year without some serious change. I don't see that serious change coming though.


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